With the fast-moving nature of business, taking time out to reflect has become an obsolete practice, especially for C-suite executives. However, as the strategic leader of an organization, it is key for CEOs to invest in their own professional development and create strategies that enable them to think with clarity and act with purpose. According to leading CEO peer development consultants and CEO coaches, building in reflection time during the week can be one of the most effective ways to help CEOs regain balance, relieve stress, and tap into higher levels of innovation. …
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In today’s highly fragmented business landscape, staying ahead of the competition has become harder. Leading CEOs are using innovative techniques to tap into more information, craft proven solutions, and leverage resources around them to carve out unshakable advantages. One such resource that is a must for the 21st-century CEO is becoming a member of a CEO peer group. Here are the top three reasons why CEO advisors and CEO coaches highly recommend information sharing as being part of every CEOs business strategy.
#1 – The amount of new information to decipher can be overwhelming. …
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One of the most powerful tools for any C-suite executive is knowledge. The more expertise you have in your industry, the more strategic you can be in how you run your organization, how you establish industry partnerships, and how you craft winning business strategies. Acquiring that knowledge and resources you need, to stay both current in your industry and on par with leading CEO’s can often be hard to come by. That is why leveraging the networking and knowledge sharing benefits a CEO peer group can provide can be one of the most …
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