Below are some of the most common questions that prospective members have, about joining The Brain Trust. If you have a question that is not answered, please contact us.
The Brain Trust is a 20 year old organization of CEOs, company presidents, general managers and business owners who come together, during a monthly CEO Conference to provide insight and solutions to shared business hurdles through half day meetings. Once a month, you can escape the isolation of being the top person at your company and share your problems, challenges and solutions confidentially with a group of chief executives….all with bright, experienced minds in our CEO Peer Group who are interested in helping each other learn and grow and make good decisions. Get honest, real world, battle scarred information. Avoid making mistakes others have made by exposing yourself to the priceless insight that only peers can offer one another. There are no new problems in business …. just your version of the same problem that one of us has already faced. Learn how others have coped with the stress of being a CEO and magically and positively transformed their companies and their lives.
- Group Chair: While most chairs of CEO Peer Groups are consultants, the 4 Co-Chairmen of The Brain Trust are all serial CEOs … been CEO of a combined 29 corporations. The Brain Trust is not a forum to build a consulting practice. It’s a forum for CEO’s to learn from CEO’s.
- Unbiased Input: Members have no agenda attached to their advice. No one has an issue in protecting themselves. We’re only there to offer our best advice and counseling to friends.
- Experience: The Wall Street Journal stated that the top two things that influence the success of CEO’s are: 1) The CEO’s experience, and 2) The experience of others that the CEO is able to obtain and learn from …. and this is what we are all about. CEO’s sharing their experience with each other.
- Ideas and Feedback: Where is your next great idea going to come from? What do other people think of your ideas? Members of The Brain Trust come from different backgrounds and different industries. Thinking out of the box is what we do.
- Our Vision: The Brain Trust Vision is to provide a learning, growing, sharing environment that results in great businesses, great friendships and great lives for our members.
- Gain perspective by being able to discuss highly volatile, highly sensitive issues in total candor with highly experienced corporate leadership.
- Save time and money by avoiding mistakes others have made and solve many of your company’s problems by hearing how other members solved the same problems.
- Learn from monthly presentations in our CEO Conference from authors, experts and world class business authorities who are widely experienced in business leadership coaching.
- Fine tune existing and new ideas by receiving a reality check as other members give you a variety of perspectives that can be refreshingly candid.
- It can make a real, measurable difference for you in your productivity, profitability and the level of your success.
The value you receive as a member of The Brain Trust has a direct relationship to the quality of its membership. Who you will be rubbing shoulders with should be extremely important to you as it is to each member. It’s the responsibility of the leadership of The Brain Trust to invite high quality members. You will learn detailed information about the membership and their companies in the process defined in the next question.
- Monthly half day meetings
- Dinner Party after the meeting
- Two Hour Monthly Speaker Presentation on Zoom from experts from all over the world.
- Coaching On Demand from our Co-Chairs
Would I like to increase my profitability?
Being at the top of my organization can be a lonely place. What’s missing for me?
I am the single most valuable resource to my company. What am I doing now to develop myself into all I can possibly be as a CEO?