(CEO Peer Advisory Groups)
… Serial entrepreneur and advisor to
Entrepreneurs and CEOs
Tom has been Founder and CEO of 8 corporations over a 40 year career. He is currently Founder and Chairman of Interactive Assets, an internet platform for various ventures and Founder and Chairman of The Brain Trust, a 20 year old company that provides monthly peer advisory groups for Atlanta area business owners and CEOs. The Brain Trust provides a forum for CEOs to develop their CEO skills, learn from other CEOs, and use Chief Executives as a sounding board for their ideas and issues. In his role with The Brain Trust, Tom has been an advisor to over 150 SMB CEOs and an angel investor to startup companies.
Future of Technology
and Its Impact on Your Business or Your Career
In the next 10 years …
40+% of all businesses and careers will be disrupted
… ignore this information at your own peril.
Fact: In the last 25 years, 40% of the Fortune 500 companies no longer exist. (think Kodak, Blockbuster, Radio Shack). This trend is accelerating.
In the next 10 years, another 40+% of all businesses and careers will be disrupted as a result of trends in technology and business.
If you properly consider this information and plan accordingly, your future may be better than ever … incredibly prosperous. Ignore this information, and you or your company may be the one being disrupted.
This impactful and dramatic presentation tells the amazing story of how the power of computer technology has improved by a factor of many millions of times, making technological breakthroughs and Artificial Intelligence possible … and this growth is continuing AT AN EXPONENTIAL RATE.
This digital transformation is causing such things as:
- The cost of bandwidth has come down by a factor of 2,400 times since the turn of the century, and bandwidth speed has increased by a factor of 350,000 times.
- The cost of computer storage has come down by a factor of 227,000 times … becoming almost free.
- The cost for computer transistors have come down by a factor of 1 billion times since the beginning of computers.
- The functionality of digital cameras has increased by a factor of 1 billion times.
- The Gyroscope and Accelerometer in an i-phone are each less than $1 where these sensors cost millions of dollars on the Apollo space craft and were 1,000 times larger. This is what makes Drones possible.
- The cost of a GPS Receiver has gone from $120,000 to <$5, a reduction of 26,000 times.
… All contributing to a technological revolution that every person and business on the planet needs to think about as they consider their future.
Just one example of a product of this digital revolution is a computer that can fit in the pocket of every person on the planet that is 120 Million times more powerful and 126 Million times less expensive than the Apollo computers that put man on the moon …the smart phone.
… Resulting in an explosion of creativity and entrepreneurial activity like we’ve never seen before.
And the good news is that “There is more opportunity for innovation and new business opportunities than ever before in the history of our world.”
With 20 years of experience advising over 150 CEOs of SMB companies, Tom Cramer presents a compelling case for the proper interpretation of technology to provide a basis for future competitive advantage.
Benefits of experiencing this presentation:
- Understand the history of technology and how it has evolved.
- The power of computers and technology are expanding and growing at an exponential rate, and what that means to the future of your career or business.
- Avoid disruption in your career or business.
- Become the disruptor in your career or business.
- Get questions answered regarding the viability of a new business idea.
- You will be shown all the questions you need to be asking yourself in order to properly plan the future of your career or your business.
Target Audience:
Business Owners, CEOs, C Level Managers, All Individuals with a Career (just about everyone)
Tom Cramer is uniquely qualified to speak on the topic of technology and your future or your businesses future as he has been CEO of technology companies and has advised CEOs as they navigate the technological future.Bill Schwarz, Author and CEO of the CEO Alliance
Client List
Click here to view our current client list.
Audio Visual Requirement:
Large Screen or Video Monitor for video projection of a power point presentation. If you do not have this set up, I can bring the necessary equipment (projector and screen).
Tom is a 4-time All American athlete and an honors graduate of Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, with a BA in Marketing. A native of Essexville, Michigan, he enjoys reading, golfing and parenting. He resides in Woodstock, Georgia, and is most proud of his role as father to his 33 year old daughter, Kacy, 29 year old son, Steven, 27 year old stepdaughter, Brittany, and as mentor to 30 year old Ben Marchuk.
Personal Story
Tom Cramer
Attribution: Some of the material in this presentation was acquired from the information in the books, Abundance, The Future is Better Than You Think and Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World written by Peter Diamandis.