As the leader of your organization staying on top of everything in and out of your role can be another full-time job. Finding the time to dedicate to focusing on important topics to improve workplace productivity, enhance employee relationships, and tap into innovation to drive your company forward is often a challenge. According to leading CEO peer groups, these are the top 7 topics every CEO should make an effort to reflect on at least once a week.
- Think about the future. With the business landscape changing so rapidly, it is important to stay …
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With such a competitive business landscape, generating ways that you can use to leverage your resources and stay miles ahead of your competitors can be challenging. As the new year quickly approaches, now is the time to begin reflecting on what worked and did not work in 2019. According to leading CEO peer groups and CEO development consultants, these are the top 3 things you should be looking to do starting January 1st to put some distance between you and the competition throughout 2020.
- Get Hyper-focused. Often business leaders strive to accomplish a plethora …
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When it comes to getting the professional development that you need to elevate your leadership skills, podcasts are becoming a popular choice among busy executives. Because with the right business podcasts on your playlist, you can easily get the news you need to know and stay on top of emerging trends and ahead of your competition. That's why at The Brain Trust, we asked leading CEO peer groups and CEO development consultants for their top podcast recommendations to get you a robust list to choose from heading into the new year. Here are the …
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With a highly-competitive business landscape, finding innovative ways that will instantly set you apart as both a seasoned executive leader, but also as an industry expert can be hard to come by. And, with a wide variety of professional development options at your disposal, joining an award-winning CEO peer group is your secret weapon in 2020 and beyond. Because according to CEO network experts, there are five key ways that a CEO advisory club can propel you to outpace your competition.
- Give you new perspectives. CEO peer groups are made up of a diverse set of …
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The business challenges that today’s 21st-century CEOs face are more complex than ever before. Plus, with technology changing at a breakneck pace, ignoring your own professional development is not an option. Because according to leading CEO coaching consultants and CEO peer group leaders, here are the top three challenges CEOs will face in 2020 and beyond.
- The Out of Control To-Do List. With many CEOs being forced to wear many hats, the days of the specialized CEO is likely over. The saying, “jack of all trades, master of none” is very relevant in today’s …
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What separates top CEOs from those that are considered “average” is often the level of professional development they invest in. Being the CEO is equally a strategic position as much as it is a leadership one. Though, as the CEO, you are at the top of your organization’s hierarchy, continuing to find ways to grow and evolve is important to stay ahead of your competition and to inspire your teams to perform at their best.
In a historical sense, CEOs were once viewed as specialists who had specific expertise that …
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When it comes to being the master of multitasking, CEOs have their work cut out for them. Between leading the strategic vision of the organization, to managing key stakeholder expectations, to developing their own leadership skills, CEOs are not short on things to do. But, staying productive and motivated every day is a challenge even for the most seasoned executive leaders. Here are the top 5 ways that successful CEOs keep their momentum up and their productivity levels high.
- Guard your high-energy times. Knowing how you work and when …
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As we enter into a new decade, there are a host of emerging trends that are on pace to change how we do business. And many are poised to shake up even seemingly stable industries. That’s why the world’s most successful CEOs dedicate time each week to stay abreast of what is happening in the world and what consumer preferences may begin redefining their industries. Here are the top 5 must-watch trends for 2020.
- The dominance of AI technology
Artificial Intelligence is nothing new, but how companies are now using …
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With only a few months left in 2019, now is the time to start lining up your professional development opportunities for 2020. Leading CEOs are often avid readers and stay engaged in learning how to lead and how to inspire others. If you are looking for must-read books to add to your professional development plan for next year, here are my top 5 business books that I believe all CEOs should read.
Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up by Jerry Colonna
As a CEO, the leadership of your …
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Being a successful CEO goes beyond just having strong leadership and interpersonal skills. Knowing how to execute and strategically position your company to grow in highly competitive industries is key. When business consultants and CEO peer development coaches studied the things that all successful CEOs did, an interesting trend emerged. Here are the top four behaviors the world’s most profitable CEOs do to ensure that their companies are on a trajectory for growth.
- Stay committed to making fast and accurate decisions. High-performing CEOs are known for being extremely …
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