
The Power of Reflection for Today’s CEO

With the fast-moving nature of business, taking time out to reflect has become an obsolete practice, especially for C-suite executives. However, as the strategic leader of an organization, it is key for CEOs to invest in their own professional development and create strategies that enable them to think with clarity and act with purpose. According to leading CEO peer development consultants and CEO coaches, building in reflection time during the week can be one of the most effective ways to help CEOs regain balance, relieve stress, and tap into higher levels of innovation. …

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Top 3 Things Every CEO Should Be Doing

As the CEO of your organization, your employees look up to you. As such, setting a great example is key in crafting the company culture you need for your teams to be successful and productive. Leading CEOs are able to manage the many hats they juggle, from being the expert salesman, to leading strategic marketing initiatives, to being the consummate diplomat when conflict arises – you have to be ready and able to conquer it all. Over my 20+ years of experience working with a host of CEOs through our award-winning CEO peer group, …

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