By: Tom Cramer
For our third discussion on the topic of competition, we will turn to a relatively modern construct. The Porter Five Forces Framework was first published by Michael Porter in the Harvard Business Review in 1979. It has since gained the position of one of the most respected methods for evaluating the operating and competitive environment for many companies at the industry level.
While it has its later detractors and amplifiers, as with any business concept, it is most useful for what Porter calls the line-of-business level of operations. …
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By Tom Cramer
In our first discussion of competition, we focused on understanding that competition is a reality that comes in many forms. It is vital that you take the time to understand where your company is most vulnerable to those threats to your success. Our third item in this topic, Incorporating the Porter Five Model in Your Business Planning, provides a more strategic review of those many sources of competitive forces.
We drill down here on the more traditional issue of competition. That involves looking at who is …
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