Top 3 Ways CEOs Can Tackle Challenging Situations
In a leadership position, being able to navigate challenging situations is a skill all successful CEOs must master. How exactly you handle conflict and difficult situations with employees and those on your executive teams can be and look different for each leader. Leading CEO professional development consultants often recommend finding ways to take the emotion out of your responses and reactions to avoid being abrasive, aggressive, or even offensive in how you address various situations. Here are the top 3 key skills to practice to ensure that you respond to even the most challenging situations with poise and exceptional leadership.
- Stay aware of how you are feeling. When you are confronted with a disgruntled client or customer, it is natural to have an immediate and often emotional reaction. You may feel angry that an employee didn’t take action (or took the wrong action), you may be frustrated, feel overwhelmed – either way, it is critical to stay in tuned with your body and your emotions to know how you are feeling and to avoid these feelings from clouding your judgment and leading you to react in a way that would escalate, rather than de-escalate the situation.
- Take time to relieve stress. Being the head of your organization is a demanding and stressful role. If you do not manage your work-life balance and your stress levels, you may find that you are quicker to react harshly. CEO coaches and business leader consultants highly recommend building in decompression moments into your day. These times allow you to check in with yourself, take a break from your work, and give you the opportunity to reset mentally. These quick 5-15 minute stretches of time during the day can be what you need to ensure that you stay focused and level-headed, no matter what your workday throws your way.
- Seek to boost your emotional intelligence. How good are you at reading other people’s body language or emotions? It is important for CEOs and executive leaders to be both empathetic and great communicators. You want to be sure that you are not misinterpreting someone’s communication cues and responding in a way that intensifies the already difficult situation. If you have not taken emotional intelligence training, now may be a good time to explore this topic to help you better navigate the intricacies of resolving conflicts in your workplace.
If you would like additional guidance and resources to help you master conflict resolution, we invite you to read our more in-depth article on the topic here.