Top 3 Soft Skills Every CEO Must Have

posted by Administrator on 07/23/2019 in Blog Posts  | Tagged , ,

The role of the CEO was once thought of as a type of dictatorship, where the CEO made the strategic decisions and they were then executed by the employees. However, with the fast-changing nature of business today, CEOs must take on a  much more collaborative approach. To succeed in this new capacity, as the servant leader, CEOs must invest in developing key interpersonal skills. It is these “soft skills” that can enable CEOs to effectively lead their organizations and motivate their employees to want to fulfill the company’s mission. Here are the top 3 skills CEOs must develop to successfully lead well into the 21st-century.

Dedication despite all odds. As the leader at the helm, your employees will look to you as an example. How you handle setbacks and obstacles are an important lesson to your organization as to how they should handle them too. If you are quick to give up or criticize new ideas and ways of thinking, you could be inadvertently creating a culture of “quitting” and hostility. To lead you have to be able to delay gratification and exhibit perseverance to help you push through when the going gets tough for the sake of reaching your company’s long-term goals.

Invest in others. The most successful CEOs understand that leaders are made not born. In this regard, an entry-level employee can rise through the ranks to become a C-suite executive. Leaders invest in their team by providing both professional development and leadership opportunities. The world’s best leaders are always planning for the future and willing to dedicate time and resources into nurturing their company’s talent to help them achieve their personal and professional goals. It is with this focus on learning and development that will enable organizations to stand the test of time and innovate to stay competitive.

Embrace vulnerability. Titles, though great for an organizational chart, can stand in the way of open and honest communication. An employee may not speak up when around your leadership teams because they are intimidated by the title of the people in their presence. However, when you embrace your vulnerability, open up about the challenges you’re having, and share stories of times you’ve struggled, you’re able to break down those communication barriers that often isolate you as the CEO. Regardless of the role or the salary, everyone in your organization is a person with interests, goals, fears, concerns, wants, and needs. Finding ways to build real connections that go beyond just the superficial day-to-day business is what separates the mediocre leaders from the great leaders.

What other interpersonal skills do you think CEOs need to master to effectively lead? Feel free to share your thoughts on the topic with us on Facebook right here.