Now Is the Best Time to Get a Personal Assistant

posted by Administrator on 03/31/2020 in Blog Posts  | Tagged , , ,

Avoiding burnout is a major concern for even the most experienced CEO, especially in the midst of today’s coronavirus pandemic. With nearly everyone working from home, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, adding in more time for recreational activities, or even reducing your work schedule are all important ways to manage your mental and emotional health. And, researchers are now pointing to the use of personal assistants as an effective way to get the help you need to stay fresh and energized through this global health crisis.

In a 2019 survey, nearly 75% of all executives stated that having a personal assistant alleviated measurable stress and helped to improve their mental well-being. And, as 60% of executives feel like they cannot open up about their feelings of depression or anxiety, hiring a personal assistant can be a possible solution to combat the mental woes we are all feeling.

Despite the health benefits that having assistance can mean for C-suite leaders, most CEOs are going at it alone with minimal help. In fact, nearly 1 out of every 4 CEOs asked said their company did not have enough personal assistants readily available to meet the demand. Or, they could not immediately justify the cost of getting a virtual assistant. However, when you do a cost-benefit analysis, it becomes clear that the power of a virtual assistant, who can conduct key market research, is critical to help your company quickly pivot during these uncertain times. Studies also prove this point, as over 30% of CEOs acknowledge that having a part-time assistant has measurably boosted their productivity, reduced work-related stress, and improved their level of organization.

As the rates of mental stress and anxiety disorders increases among high profile positions, it becomes important for CEOs, of all experience levels, to find ways to better manage their mental health. Where hired help may not be available, seeking out interns or work-study students can be an effective way to defray the cost of adding an additional employee, while also enabling CEOs to tap into the health benefits of having consistent help with everyday tasks.

Another low-cost approach can be to explore outsourced options. Many American companies have had documented success with hiring virtual assistants abroad to provide administrative duties such as scheduling meetings, travel arrangements, and even email or social media management. In this way, the cost to your company is kept low, while you are able to efficiently increase your daily output and transition your time and energy to focus on more strategic initiatives to scale your business during the COVIS-19 pandemic.

Are you struggling with maintaining a good work-life balance?

Do you need better ways to manage your stress?

If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, I invite you to read our article on Self Care here.