Why Narrowing Your Focus Is Critical
As the business landscape becomes more competitive and companies look for ways to cut costs and boost productivity, naturally the CEO is tasked with taking on more. Traditionally, broadening your skills may have been viewed as a way to stay ahead of the competition, but CEO peer group consultants warn that casting a wide net could be working against your ability to propel your company to the next level. And, here’s why…
Too much to focus on. The saying, “jack of all trades, master of none” is applicable here. When you divide your time across too many areas, you’ll never be able to gain a deep level of expertise in any particular topic. Instead, by narrowing your focus and allowing yourself the time to dive deeper into 1-3 areas, you are better able to master those areas and expertly apply them to your business.
Stretches you too thin. There is only so much your brain can absorb at a time. Forcing yourself to learn multiple things at once is a surefire way to induce burnout. For example, if you spend 90 minutes learning 6 topics, you are in reality only dedicating 15 minutes per topic. However, if you narrow your scope and focus on just 2 or 3 topics, you are able to spend more time on each and retain more information in the long run.
Counterproductive to progress. In business, it is about how you execute, as opposed to what you know. If you are not gaining the in-depth understanding you need to be equipped to execute, then learning multiple topics can be futile. Naturally, the more you put on your plate to learn and master, the more you run the risk of crowding out information in your brain. CEO development programs recommend choosing no more than three core areas that you can focus on and spend time both learning about them and applying your knowledge within your business.
Determining what core areas to choose can be challenging, even for the most experienced CEO. That’s why having a seasoned CEO peer group you can tap into can be key in helping you narrow your focus and carve out a competitive advantage. Most CEO development programs have a diverse group of the area’s most talented business leaders who can provide you with expert guidance, enabling you to quickly identify which business areas are the most important for your organization and what tools or strategies you can use to master these areas efficiently.
If you are looking for the best approach to help elevate your leadership skills and learn how to effectively execute winning business strategies, then we invite you to consider The Brain Trust. As Atlanta’s top CEO peer group, you will get unprecedented access to the area’s top CEOs and CEO peer consultants to help you take your business to new heights. Click here for more information.