Reading List

Top Must-Read Articles for CEOs in 2020

As business competition intensifies in almost every industry, staying ahead of the curve and learning at every turn is quickly become every CEOs top priority. However, with business tasks and responsibilities taking precedence over dedicating time to learn and research, the challenge becomes finding the time and the resources you can leverage now to keep your business at the head of the pack. Whether you join a leading CEO peer group or take a do-it-yourself learning approach, these top 5 business articles should be on your reading list.

  1. "5 Things You Need …

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Top 5 Must-Read Books for CEOs: 2020 Edition

With only a few months left in 2019, now is the time to start lining up your professional development opportunities for 2020. Leading CEOs are often avid readers and stay engaged in learning how to lead and how to inspire others. If you are looking for must-read books to add to your professional development plan for next year, here are my top 5 business books that I believe all CEOs should read. Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up by Jerry Colonna  As a CEO, the leadership of your …

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