By: Tom Cramer
It can often seem that your role as a CEO involves a continuous stream of daily battles. As you develop and grow your business, the last thing you need is difficult people lobbing grenades into your operations. Yet, as we see in our article Understanding the Challenges of Difficult People, those individuals are often a part of the realities with which you must deal.
Time: Your Most Precious Resource
Capital is often considered the most critical element for entrepreneurial success. You can address the …
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By: Tom Cramer
In an earlier discussion, we touched on the fact that, as a CEO, you will be faced with many tests of your leadership skills. One of those is Understanding the Challenges of Difficult People. Unfortunately, grasping the reality of difficult people being a fact of life is only the first part of that test.
Choosing Your Course of Action
Once you have objectively identified and evaluated the existence of a difficult individual in your business ecosystem, you face an additional assessment. It is generally …
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