By Tom Cramer
When the commander of an aircraft carrier gets the order to launch his planes, he immediately checks with his navigator to determine his heading. He then turns his ship so that he is fully heading into the wind so that his pilots will have the best chance for a successful launch.
The View from the Cockpit
In one of our earlier posts, we spoke of looking at your position as sitting in the cockpit. It is worth returning to that aviation metaphor to review the mindset of flying off into the wind. It …
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By Tom Cramer
In my conversations with the members of our group, I find a series of topics that are raised consistently and across all industries and markets. One of the more prevalent concerns is that of “being out of your comfort zone.” What I have found is most of us get into business to follow an idea or concept based on a specific strength or experience or idea or all of these.
That is the natural course, but then we all find that business involves many areas in which we feel lost, incompetent, and …
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