
Why CEO Professional Development Should Be Your 2020 Top Priority

What separates top CEOs from those that are considered “average” is often the level of professional development they invest in. Being the CEO is equally a strategic position as much as it is a leadership one. Though, as the CEO, you are at the top of your organization’s hierarchy, continuing to find ways to grow and evolve is important to stay ahead of your competition and to inspire your teams to perform at their best. In a historical sense, CEOs were once viewed as specialists who had specific expertise that …

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The Most Successful CEOs Do These Top 4 Things

Being a successful CEO goes beyond just having strong leadership and interpersonal skills. Knowing how to execute and strategically position your company to grow in highly competitive industries is key. When business consultants and CEO peer development coaches studied the things that all successful CEOs did, an interesting trend emerged. Here are the top four behaviors the world’s most profitable CEOs do to ensure that their companies are on a trajectory for growth.

  1. Stay committed to making fast and accurate decisions. High-performing CEOs are known for being extremely …

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Top Business Podcasts for CEOs

  As a CEO, finding time to get the professional development you need can be challenging. Being able to tap into quick resources when you’re on the go is an effective way to stay connected with new trends in the business world, while also getting bite-sized doses of leadership training. If you have time on your commute to work or find that you have a few minutes downtime in the middle of the day, here are the top five leadership podcasts CEO professional development coaches recommend. #1 – Read more

Biggest Mistakes CEO’s Make

CEOs take note and avoid these big mistakes!

  1. Does not have adequate differentiating characteristics for the business.
  2. Does not effectively articulate critical advantage or differentiation to the marketplace. Hint: it’s not great customer service. Everyone claims that.
  3. Does not articulate company value proposition and differentiation in elevator speech.
  4. Does not pay enough attention to the most critical element of financial management: cash flow.
  5. Thinks that price is why he/she loses business, when price …

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Are Your Employees a Liability or an Asset?

  When it comes to structuring your business for future success, how you define the roles within your organization will be key. Some CEO professional development consultants argue that your employees can serve to be your company’s greatest liability if you do not invest the time to determine your company’ trajectory and plan your recruitment, hiring, and training accordingly. Here are a few proven ways to ensure your company is primed for future success and you can effectively leverage your employees to be your company’s greatest asset. #1 – Define the present and …

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Want Respect? Do These 10 Things Every Day

Even at the CEO level, respect is earned from every interaction you have with key stakeholders both inside and outside of your organization. Losing sight of this could set you on a course to have the authority to run your company but without the esteem of the very people you need to make things happen. According to leading CEO development consultants, here are the respect-earning things you should be doing everyday.

1. Make promises that you can keep.

In fact, you want to always aim to underpromise and overdeliver. Not only does this help …

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Top 3 Things Every CEO Should Be Doing

As the CEO of your organization, your employees look up to you. As such, setting a great example is key in crafting the company culture you need for your teams to be successful and productive. Leading CEOs are able to manage the many hats they juggle, from being the expert salesman, to leading strategic marketing initiatives, to being the consummate diplomat when conflict arises – you have to be ready and able to conquer it all. Over my 20+ years of experience working with a host of CEOs through our award-winning CEO peer group, …

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New Research Reveals The #1 Trait of Profitable CEOs

As the CEO, you sit at the helm, driving strategic decisions and shaping the trajectory of your organization’s success. New research out of the Harvard Business Review suggests that by looking at where CEOs spend their time can influence the profitability of their firms. To generate the data, researchers looked at how CEOs structured their entire work week, including times they are not in the office. The activities reviewed were categorized by the number of people it took place with, where, whether it was planned ahead of time, etc. In essence, researchers t

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Are CEO’s Really Getting the Executive Support They Need?

With today’s hyper-competitive business landscape, staying on top of emerging trends, crafting winning business strategies, and having a supportive network of leaders to tap are critical components of being a successful CEO. Yet, as the leader of your organization, the responsibility of managing business strategy, growing your executive team, and achieving larger scale business goals rests squaring on your shoulders. Historically, CEO’s were thought of as specialists who had specific expertise and could propel their company in one particular direction. For example, Disney has been traditionally known for making movies and Apple for …

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